Friday, 15 May 2020

New study says: Group singing with simple harmonies spread Corona more than complex music

Corona virus seems to move more easily in acoustic contexts that have very simple harmonic structures. 
Dr Ralf Peters, head of stimmfeld and voice researcher for more than two decades, claims that the risk of being infected in group singing - like in choirs - is higher if the choir sings very simple songs. More complex musical material doesn´t raise the infection rate so much and so called experimental music shows the lowest danger. 

There is not yet a sufficient explanation but Dr Peters thinks the virus can surf on simple harmonies much easier that on complex frequencies. The DNA of the virus reacts on sound waves like everything else in the world. Since the virus is a very simple structure it adapts better to simple soundscapes. In complex harmonies the virus doesn´t feel comfortable and it isn´t able to move in all directions. With acoustic structures outside of the conventional harmonic field Corona seems be discouraged.

Peters recommends that choirs that are going to sing  together again should not only keep safe body distance to each other but work with disharmonious and atonal music rather than with simple beauty stuff. Make the virus dizzy with wild sounds!
Note: This theory is based only on the mind of Ralf Peters. There is no evidence for these results outside of his mind so far. But still he likes the idea!

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